Thursday, August 12, 2010


I love this song. I loved it even before I lived in the Shenandoah Valley and saw the north fork of the Shenandoah River. From the top of the Woodstock tower you can see where the river bends 7 times in a row in a slow, rhythmic dance. What longing there is in this song, and who could help but want to see Shenandoah again. it's beautiful.

Bohemian Rhapsody

Such a great song for head banging in the car... ok, cautious jerking of the head while carefully scanning for traffic, lights, and pedestrians (really). Even my toddler was dancing to it while I played it to make sure it was a full recording before adding it to the playlist. I read through all the commentary on Wikipedia about it. It was pretty in depth. My take: fun song. One interesting item I found was that there are 180 overdubs in the opera section to make 3 voices sound like a full choir.

In My Head Today

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