Tuesday, March 1, 2011

If I Had Words

Scott Fitzgerald & Yvonne Keeley released this song in 1977. It was a big hit in lots of places, including Australia, just not the U.S. The melody is based on the Symphony #3 in C minor by Camille Saint-Saens. However, you can find my favorite version of it below: Farmer Hoggett, played by James Cromwell, sings it to his pig in the movie Babe. I saw this movie in the theaters when I had just started college and this has always been my favorite scene. It is so compelling in its expression of love and sheer joy that I want to dance for someone myself. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Here We Go, Go, Go, Go....

My chatty toddler just started putting words together into phrases and short sentences. She's been able to request certain songs for awhile though. Itsy Bitsy Spider was her first request--she'd put her forefingers together to imitate the spider. Now, however, its more often than not "go, go, go" which translates to the song from the show The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! that premiered on PBS last fall. Random fact: Martin Short provides the Cat's voice. The song is about 3 lines long, but wouldn't you know it, it gets stuck in my head every time. Sometimes I think my little girl is an evil genius.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Skip to My Lou

I remember my 1st grade teacher singing this song while wearing her "field day" hat: it had A&W rootbeer cans crocheted into it with pink yarn. The version you are listening to is from a 1974 album entitled Pete Seeger & Brother Kirk Visit Sesame Street. The folksy sound appeals to me as reminiscent of what the song might have sounded like in the days when settlers tried to tame the wild American frontier.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Just a quick apology for the lengthy hiatus. The holidays kind of took over. Now we'll get back to business.

Toto released this #2 hit in 1982. The single won a Grammy for record of the year. I love how upbeat it is, even though the subject matter, lamenting a lost love, is basically depressing. You've got to love the 80's for that. Wikipedia also provided an interesting tidbit about this song: it is frequently used by drummers as a perfect example of a half-time or triplet shuffle. That basically means that the beat doesn't come at you straight, there's a little swing to it with a lot of other difficult stuff thrown in.

In My Head Today

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